How do I place bets on websport.io?

Websport.io is decentralized and permission-less. You will need a Web3 enabled wallet to connect to Websport.io and place bets. We recommend MetaMask. MetaMask can be downloaded from the link below.

MetaMask: https://metamask.io/

Please remember to save your seed phrase and keep it secure. If you lose access to your seed phrase, it will be impossible to recover your funds. NEVER share this with anyone, including the websport.io team.

What chain does websport.io run on?

Binance Smart Chain. The chain uses a unique dual-token model; BNB is a stable token used for transactions, payments, and fees. Websport.io utilizes the Websport Protocol, Websport is designed to be multichain, more chains will be added in the future.

How do I access Binance Smart Chain?

If Binance Smart Chain is not already added to your wallet, the first time you connect to websport.io the app will add it for you automatically. Otherwise, you can follow this instruction: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain

Last updated